Watchet Grading 15th May 2011

Bucking no trends at all, when called upon to wake up early on a Sunday it was the student who was last down to breakfast, finding the rather sizeable Hizen contingent waiting downstairs for breakfast. One hearty, full English later (possibly not such a good idea in hindsight) and we were off to the grading.
The Kendo started with a short warm-up and a recap of the key points from the seminar the day before. After that the grading was set up in another room with the main room being available for people to stay warm and practice.
As usual the camaraderie and support between the Hizen group made the experience a much more enjoyable one, also showing off the attention to detail that Humm-sensei puts into teaching as Hizen were always quick to have armour on and generally the first ones ready.

So congratulations to:
Antoine Bisch, Emma Hynes, Tatos Shahbazian and Pierre Toureau for passing shodan,
and also to Chi Leung Fung for passing nidan.