Hizen Winter Taikai 10th Jan

This year’s taikai fell after our week long Kangeiko and the coldest Snap since 1983. Even so 30 members turned up for the day’s fun and games.
As in previous years the day is broken into three taikai, beginners to second dan, third day and what we call the Fusen cup. (the balloon cup)
This year I had a very bad cold so it gave chance for the seniors in the dojo to run and control the day and let me sit back and watch on the side lines.

The first taikai was well contested and the level of kendo was high which aloud the san-dan group to have some good refereeing opportunities during the day. There were many close matches and this set the bar high for the senior cup which would follow.
Apart from the normal first second and third place prizes frighting spirit best Oji waza and shikake waza are also given to encourage the use of a wider range of skills.

The results were;

1st; Julian Biddulph

2nd; Ini Udofah

3rd; Nari Arjan

Fighting spirit award; Steve McDonald

Best Oji waza award; Nari Arjan

Best shikake waza award; Lewis Guneratne

The Senior Cup is for the San-dan of the dojo which at present are 12. The taikai is an ippon sho-bu which helps focus the mind and body to put every thing into your attacks it is also a formatted so that everyone fights everyone the person with the most wins is the outright winner.

The refereeing was undertaken by the Yon / Go-dan’s of the dojo, with a strong and friendly rivalry the matches were strongly contested as each member want to be the winner and this showed in the crispness of the cuts made and scored finally the winner was proclaimed. There is own one prize for this taikai
This year it was won by Phil Wilson.

The last taikai well one should say free for all and probably the one if the members were to be truthful enjoy the most was the Fusen Cup.

All those present are spit into two groups and ever a red or white balloon is secured to the Men. Then on a whistle command they attach to opposite colour until only one colour is left and then turn on each other until only one person is left with there balloon intact.
This year it was won by Peter Tornkvist.

After the prizes were given many found there way to the local Pub where the talk started about what could and should have happen or what might and will happen at the next time the event is held.

A good day I think was had by all and I’m sorry to say I could not end the day with out giving my view of what needed to be done… well I had sit all just watching.

Report: J.Humm

Photo's: J. Martin